Javahl Library Mac


  1. Javahl Library Macomb
  2. Javahl Mac
  3. Javahl Library
  4. Javahl Library Machine
Developer(s)TMate Software Ltd.
Initial releaseNovember 5, 2004
Stable release
Written inJava
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeSoftware Library
LicenseDual license: Strong copyleft-style license for open-source projects and commercial license for closed source projects

Subclipse JavaHL Plugins with Windows Binaries. This repository contains the Subclipse plugin and fragments for JavaHL. This includes the Windows DLL's in a plugin fragment and is contained in a separate repository from Subclipse in order to keep the DLL's out of the main repository. Under Mac OS X I find a link to OpenCollabNet but I can't find binaries on that link, would much appreciate if someone could help me locate the link to binaries. And also is there a way to install Subversion JavaHL library via macports, if yes what is the command to do so. Mar 02, 2011  This is due to Snow Leopard is still compiling Subversion and JavaHL package using 32-bit binaries, but my Mac is using 64-bit JVM and 64-bit JVM can’t load 32-bit native library. To fix this problem, you will need to install openCollabNet, which is available on their site. Jan 17, 2019  SVNKit Library - the main SVNKit library JNA Library - used by the SVNKit library to enable some native OS functions it can benefit from using Subversion Revision Graph - this adds an ability to view the history of an item as a graphical revision graph. This requires the Eclipse GEF and Draw2D plugins are installed. Jun 30, 2015  SVNKit (formerly known as JavaSVN) - is the default connector in Zend Studio for Eclipse. It is pure Java implementation of the Subversion API. JavaHL - uses JNI to execute operating system's native binary libraries for SVN operations. In some cases JavaHL may be a better choice than the default SVNKit connector.

  • Warning about stdc while building javahl on Mac OS X for svn 1.1.1 This message: Message body More options Related messages: Next message Previous message.
  • 写这一篇前我想发表一下感慨: 你所害怕的事,你想要逃避的事,在将来的某个时间你必将要再去面对它.几个月前遇到的问题,一直没解决,今天终于解决了。 Failed to load JavaHL Library. These are the errors that were encountered: no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path no svnjavahl.

SVNKit is an open-source, pure Java software library for working with the Subversionversion control system. It is free to use on opensource projects but requires that you buy a commercial license to use to develop with proprietary software. It implements virtually all Subversion features and provides API to work with Subversion working copies, access and manipulate Subversion repositories.


Major SVNKit features are:

Javahl Library Macomb

  • Repository access over http(s)://, svn(+ssh):// and file:// protocols.
  • Support for all working copy operations.
  • Repository administration: create, load, dump and replay operations.
  • Low-level API that allows to interact with Subversion repository directly on Subversion protocol level.
  • Complete JavaHL API implementation.
  • SVNKit is known to work on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, SunOS, OS/2 and OpenVMS.
  • SVNKit is JDK 1.5 compatible.

Features available in the native Subversion client, but missing in SVNKit:

  • Local access (file://) to Berkeley DB based repositories (SVNKit only provides local access to default FSFS type of repositories).
  • Experimental 'Serf' HTTP access (SVNKit only provides support for DAV access).
  • Some of HTTP authentication methods (e.g. SSPI) are not fully supported by the latest version of SVNKit.

Command line client[edit]

Part of SVNKit library is a command line Subversion client implemented on top of SVNKit. It is compatible with the native Subversion command line client and may be used in environments where it is not possible to install native Subversion or from within applications (e.g. Apache Ant scripts) that could not rely on the native Subversion presence.


JavaHL is a JNI wrapper of the native Subversion C code. JavaHL could be used instead of SVNKit in most of the use cases.

However, SVNKit implements JavaHL API and thus both SVNKit and Subversion JNI wrapper could be used simultaneously to let user choose what suits his environment better. A fair comparison of SVNKit and JavaHL can be found in Subversion Book. Both SVNKit and JavaHL have their own advantages and disadvantages.



SVNKit implements a dual licensing scheme. By default SVNKit is licensed under a licensing terms similar to those of GPL, that means, in general, that there are no restrictions or limitations on SVNKit usage as long as it is being used in an open-source project.

For closed-source projects, a commercial license has to be purchased.


In 2005, a software company called TMate Software Ltd. announced the 1.0.0 release of JavaSVN — a pure JavaSubversion client library. Since then, the project has been renamed to SVNKit.

Versions of SVNKit prior to 0.9.3 were licensed under BSD license terms, later licensing scheme has been changed to dual licensing.


SVNKit is known to be used in:

  • SmartSVN Subversion GUI client by the company WANdisco.
  • IntelliJ IDEAIDE by the company JetBrains.
  • TeamCityContinuous Integration Server by the company JetBrains.
  • Subclipse - Eclipse Subversion plugin.
  • Subversive Team Provider for Eclipse - another Eclipse Subversion plugin.
  • JIRA bug tracking system by the company Atlassian.
  • FishEye revision control browser by the company Atlassian.
  • JDeveloper by Oracle.
  • and many other products...

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''


  • If you need help, use StackOverflow.
  • If you found a bug, use GitHub issues.
  • If you have an idea, use GitHub issues.
  • There is also a Google Group for general discussions or to follow release announcements.
  • If you want to contribute, fork the project and submit a pull request.

Requirements - current master

  • Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) or later
  • Java 6 or later
  • Subversion 1.10 or 1.11 JavaHL client libraries


Subclipse is available in the Eclipse Marketplace and can be installed via the Marketplace Client. It is also available at the following update site URL's.

NOTE: These are update site URL's to be entered inside the Eclipse installation dialog, not your web browser.

  • Latest -
  • 4.3.x -

The 'latest' site will automatically move on to 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 5.0.0 etc. as those releases are produced. Where as the '4.3.x' site will only pick up new releases in the 4.3.x series such as 4.3.1, 4.3.2 etc.

There is also a p2 repository for each specific release. These only contain Subclipse and do not pull in the optional plugins that the primary sites do. These sites are mainly for internal use and third party packagers.

If you have problems upgrading from one of the legacy 1.x.y versions, see the FAQ

Available Features

The following features are available on the update site.

  • Subclipse - this is the main feature and the only one that is absolutely required. However, you will also need the JavaHL and/or SVNKit features installed as these provide the connection to a Subversion API library.
  • Subversion 1.10 JavaHL - (you may need to tell Eclipse to show all versions to see this). This feature includes the JavaHL library AND for Windows it also includes the native DLL libraries.
  • Subversion 1.11 JavaHL - This feature includes the JavaHL library AND for Windows it also includes the native DLL libraries. You can only install one of these two versions.
  • SVNKit Client Adapter - SVNKit is a pure Java reverse-engineered implementation of the Subversion API and is an alternative to using JavaHL. If you install this adapter, then you must also install the SVNKit library which it uses. This is available on the update site as:
    • SVNKit Library - the main SVNKit library
    • JNA Library - used by the SVNKit library to enable some native OS functions it can benefit from using
  • Subversion Revision Graph - this adds an ability to view the history of an item as a graphical revision graph. This requires the Eclipse GEF and Draw2D plugins are installed.
  • Subclipse Integration for Mylyn - if you are using the Eclipse Mylyn plugin and its changeset and focused workspace functionality, this plugin provides an integration between that and Subclipse, so that Mylyn can automatically create SVN changesets.
  • Subclipse Maven Integration - if you are using the m2e Maven Eclipse plugin, this provides the Subclipse SCM handler for that plugin so that a Maven project can execute SVN checkout operations.

Zipped Update Sites

Zipped update sites are also available for download.

Legacy Releases

These are releases that have been superseded by the current version. These should only be used if you specifically need support for an older version of Subversion on the client.

  • SVN 1.9.x -

These are the old releases from They only require Eclipse 3.2 or later, and the required SVN client version varies for each version as noted. These are no longer going to be updated.

  • SVN 1.9.x -
  • SVN 1.8.x -
  • SVN 1.7.x -

Snapshot Builds

Latest Subclipse master branch is built and posted to a p2 repository which you can use to install the latest build. This is available via the following update site URL:

JavaHL Installation

Subclipse is written against the Subversion Java interface which is called JavaHL. There are two implementations of this interface available:


This is the native implementation provided with Subversion itself. JavaHL is a thin Java API layer that talks to the Subversion native libraries via JNI. Subclipse provides the Java part of this, but you must have the native libraries installed, which means you also have to have the right version of those libraries installed for the version of Subclipse you are using.

Subclipse is able to provide an Eclipse plugin for Windows that includes the needed native DLL's, so installation on Windows is easy. On Linux and Mac, due to differences in how library loading is handled, it is not possible to provide the libraries in a way that 'just works'. The best option is to install the native packages for your distribution. See:

Javahl Mac

JavaHL on Linux
JavaHL on OSX


Javahl Library

SVNKit is a pure-Java reverse-engineered version of Subversion. It is available via the Subclipse update site which makes it easy to install and use. SVNKit is NOT developed or maintained as part of this project. More information is available at

Javahl Library Machine

Subclipse is developed and tested primarily against the native JavaHL implementation so that is what we recommend using when possible. The convenience of a pure Java implementation cannot be ignored though, so use whatever works best for you.