Mac C++ Dynamic Library Example

Recent versions of GCC on several platforms, including Linux and Mac OS X, give programmers fine-grained control over which symbols in a dynamic library are exported: the command-line option -fvisibility can be used to set the default visibility of symbols in a dynamic library, and a special attribute syntax, similar to declspec(dllexport. This is the second post in a series on memory segmentation. It covers working with static and dynamic libraries in Linux and OSX. Make sure to check out the first on object files and symbols. Let’s say we wanted to reuse some of the code from our previous project in our next one. I recommend that you read the first part of this article series where I've explained the whole library thing, and gave an example of creating and using static library. C/C library programming on Linux – Part one: Static libraries. In this article I will explain dynamic libraries and compare them to static libraries. C Tutorial: Libraries, A static library contains object code linked with an end-user application, and then becomes part of that executable. A static library is sometimes called an archive since it is just a package of compiled object files. These libraries are in directories such as /lib, /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. After you get the name of a library by using vcpkg search, you use vcpkg install to download the library and compile it. Vcpkg uses the library's portfile in the ports directory. If no triplet is specified, vcpkg will install and compile for the default triplet for the target platform: x86-windows, x64-linux.cmake, or x64-osx.cmake.

  1. Mac C Dynamic Library Example For Students
  2. Static Library And Dynamic Library


Install Instructions

  1. Download and unzip to any directory. The unzipped directory structure is shown here:
  2. The C/C++ headers are contained in include directory.
  3. The static and dynamic libs are located in the libStatic and libDyn directories.
  4. Universal libs may be created by running the script. (Make sure this script has execute permission first 'chmod a+x') The contents of this shell script are shown here:
  5. This download is both the trial and full version.
    Chilkat libraries are fully functional for 30-day evaluations.
  6. Release Notes are available on the Chilkat blog.
  7. See also: Chilkat Reference Documentation
  8. See also: Chilkat Sample Code
  9. See also: Chilkat Blog

How to Distribute a dylib with your Application

Mac C Dynamic Library Example For Students

(This information is general and applies to any dylib on Mac OS X.) On Mac OS X, a dynamic library (dylib) has an 'install name'. The install name is a path baked into the dynamic library that says where to find the library at runtime. When an application is linked against a dylib, the path is saved in the app's binary so that it can find the dylib at runtime.

The install name of a dylib can be viewed by using otool. For example:

Static Library And Dynamic Library

This means that unless the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set to allow the runtime linker find the dylib, the dylib must be placed in the exact location as specified by the install name.

However, the install name of a dylib can be changed by using the install_name_tool utility. The @loader_path keyword can be used to make it relative to an install directory.

Chilkat recommends becoming familiar with the install_name_tool command and it's various options. For example, this command changes the install name of libchilkat.dylib to be relative to the location of the binary using it: