Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks

Virtualenv doesn't work correctly with the default system python (2.6) on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard). To reproduce: unpack the 1.4.3 package cd virtualenv-1.4.3 python virtualenv.py foo This yields: New python executable in foo/bin/pytho. 2020-3-28  Mac OS X packages that you can use with PackageMaker to deploy GStreamer with your application Get both the runtime and the development installers from here. On Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) you have to install Python 2.7 manually. 2016-1-21  由于Python易学、开源、面向对象、可移植性高、库丰富的特点,近期开始学习Python。百度了解了各款Python IDE后,还是认为Eric比较适合我,所以踏上了安装Eric坎坷之路,从选定工具到安装成功一共花费了8天时间,从Windows到Linux再到Mac. It's not clear why Apple decided to hide the user's Library folder, but you have multiple ways to get it back: two Apple provides (depending on the version of OS X you are using) and one in the underlying file system. The method you use depends on whether you want permanent access to the Library folder or only when you need to go there.

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Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks For Kids


OSX comes with a version of Python installed at /usr/bin/python. We'll callthis 'system Python'.

Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks 10

There are a variety of guides for working with Python on OSX (see list below),and all of them suggest installing another Python:

Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks

So - why do these guides suggest using a Python other than the one that comesinstalled on OSX by default?

Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks Download

There are various problems with system Python:

  • It can be old, especially on older versions of OSX. For example, OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard) has Python 2.6 as system Python, where the current standardPython 2 version is 2.7. The alternative Pythons listed above are up todate with features and security fixes.
  • Updating OSX has the potential to change or break any updates you have madeto the Python installation, including installation of Python packages.
  • System Python has an unusual setup for some Python packages that makes itmuch more difficult to upgrade these packages

System Python and extra Python packages

Apple has kindly installed some optional Python packages into its Python, butdid that in a way that is not standard and therefore confusing to work with.

As y'all know, Python searches for packages using the module search path.

Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks For Students

Here is the module search path for system Python:

The interesting entry is/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/pythonbecause this entry is specific to system Python. Call this path'Extras/lib'. On a standard OSX 10.9 machine this directory contains some Python packages including the numerical packages numpy, scipy and matplotlib and other useful web packages including twisted.

Why Is Python Mac Os X Library Frameworks Free

If you, the user, install new packages in system Python, the packages will getwritten to /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages. As you can see from the pathlisting above, your newly installed package will therefore be lower in thePython module path than the packages in Extras/lib. That means that if youtry to install a new version of one of the packages in Extras/lib into system Python, system Python will ignore the version you installed and continue to use the version in Extras/lib.

Apple presumably chose this setup because they use Python for system tasks,and they want to be able to depend on working versions of the packagesinstalled in Extras/lib. This is another reason to prefer another Python foryour daily Python work.