How To Add A Script To Indd Script Library Mac

  1. How To Add A Script To Indd Script Library Machine
  2. How To Add A Script To Indd Script Library Mac Os

Have you considered using something like InstallEASE ( to create a PKG based installer to do what you want? Should be simple enough to setup a clean Mac OS install, scan with InstallEASE, make the changes you want, scan with InstallEASE again, then have InstallEASE create the PKG based on your changes.

The best way is to have Mac OS installed in a Virtual Machine with snapshot ability (VMware Fusion and Parallels) then you can revert to your clean snapshot when you need to make a change to your installer.

One of the key features of scripts today is that it allows you to author [Script Packs] ( These are reusable bits of functionality distributed via NuGet that generally are used to wrap existing libraries and frameworks and make them easier to consume from script. Script Packs offer the ability to inject namespaces and references into the consuming script dynamically. They can also offer a more script-friendly API that automatically handles redundant plumbing code which is generally handled by an IDE.

The biggest downside of Script Packs is the authoring. Script Packs today are .NET assemblies, this means you have to open an IDE, create a C# project, and then implement a bunch of interfaces in order to create your pack. This adds significant complexity as compared to the simplicity of writing a scriptcs 'app' i.e. a set of csx scripts and a packages.config. It feels against the spirit of scriptcs in that sense.

Mar 06, 2015  Running 'Linux scripts' on Mac or Windows systems. Every month we add a few thousands images to that folder, and must remove some thousands. Sep 03, 2009  Mac: How to Create a Basic Script With Automator By Trevor Dobrygoski – Posted on Sep 3, 2009 Dec 17, 2009 in Mac If you are one of the growing number of Apple users, you have likely come across a strange looking robot guy in your Applications folder. Note: For Mac OS 10.5x, if no adobefnt.lst file is found, then make sure that you add system files in the search criteria in the File Find dialog box. Select Other in the in the Kind drop down menu and wait for the Select a Search Attribute dialog to come up. Adobe InDesign CS6 Scripting Tutorial Getting started 7 To open the folder containing a script shown in the Scripts panel, select the script and choose Reveal in Finder (Mac OS) or Reveal in Explorer (Windows). Al ternatively, you can hold down the Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl-Shift (Windows) keys and double-click the script’s name. The Scripting Guide contains an introduction to scripting and tutorials. You can also find a number of useful scripts that you can run, such as a script that draws guides around the selected object. Some of these scripts appear by default in the Scripts panel.

If the experience is greatly simplified, we believe this will pave the way for the scriptcs ecosystem to really blossom.

Offer an experience for creating reusable Script Libraries. That is APIs as scripts which can be published as packages and consumed in scriptcs similar to any other NuGet package.

  • The experience should be as close as possible to authoring a scriptcs 'app' today with one significant difference is that the script is designed to be directly consumed by an app and it offers an API.
  • It should be far simpler than authoring Script Packs today:
  • No csproj is required, only scripts
  • No need to implement an IScriptPack or IScriptPackContext
  • scripts can easily leverage other script packs whether authored as binaries or scripts
  • It should be much more approachable. If you can write a function in a csx, you can author a script pack.
  • It should support the same execution guarantees as script packs do today
  • Functions are lazy / not executed until they are needed
  • Functions are isolated / do not conflict with similarly named functions in other script packs
  • It should feel more natural for C# developers
  • No need for Require<T>() to pull in the script. If you install it, you can new it up.
  • Support C# scripts
  • Support dependencies on other packages and script packs
  • Support custom engines
  • Support languages other than C#

Authoring a basic Script Library

Priya wants to implement a Calculator library. It offers functions like Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide.

She authors the following script:

She tests out her script by using #load in the REPL and it appears to work fine. Now she is ready to package up her script so it can be shared. She creates the following simple folder structure.

Next she creates ScriptCs.Calculator.nuspec for her package specifying the required package details, i.e. name: ScriptCs.Calculator , version: 0.1, etc. Her package has no dependencies so all that is necessary is the top-level information.

Using nuget.exe she creates her package ScriptCs.Calculator.0.1.0.nupkg then copies to a folder on her local machine which she has added as one of her NuGet package sources.

Now that the package is ready to test, she goes to a new folder to create her test app. First she installs the package. scriptcs -install -pre ScriptCs.Calculator

Next she creates a start.csx file which will use the calculator.

Priya runs the 'app' and is happy to see it compiles successfully and runs.

Adding a library reference

Priya realizes that she add some logging to her calculator:

She goes to her nuspec and adds a reference to a the Logger script pack, ScriptCs.Logger.ScriptPack and its dependencies. Next she then updates her CalculatorMain.csx file using Require to get the package:

Note: var cannot be used here for the logger this is code that will be sitting in a wrapper class so it cannot be loose code. The above code sets a class level private field logger. Require<T> in this context is a static method on the wrapper class. See the section 'Scoping / Containment' below for more on the wrapper.

Priya then adds a bunch of log entries throughout her code. Next she creates a new package and puts it into her local folder which she installed from before. For example this is the Add method:

She goes back to her app folder and does scriptcs -install which updates the package and which pulls in the logger pack and its dependencies.

Next she reruns her test app and is happy to see the log entries showing up.


Script Libraries are normal scriptcs csx files, they support #load, #r, custom directives and require. One key constraint, it must have an 'entry' level script which uses the convention [Name]Main.csx i.e. CalculatorMain.csx. This is the main entry point for the script pack.


Script Libraries are packaged up as NuGet packages. scripts must be placed in the Content/scriptcs folder within the package. All files must be added explicitly to the nuspec. Any package dependencies should be added as for a normal package. The dependencies can be standard packages, packages containing traditional script packs, or other script based packages.

Below is an example NuSpec for the Caclulator library. It contains 2 csx files as well as a dependency on the ScriptCs.Logger.ScriptPack package which is a standard script pack.

Discovery / Loading

Script Libraries will be loaded in two phases at runtime.

  1. Discovery and Composition - Scriptcs will look for a ScriptLibaries.csx file in the scriptcs_packages folder. If it does not find one, it will look for any packages that have a /Content/scriptcs folder and will automatically grab all the scripts. These scripts will be wrapped in outer classes per package (See Scoping and Containment) and placed in ScriptLibraries.csx.

  2. Execution - At runtime scriptcs will look automatically merge ScriptLibraries.csx into the main file which is executes.

This model provides several benefits:

  • Runtime execution should be fast.
  • File IO is minimized at runtime as once the script packages have been processed they will not need to get re-processed each time.
  • Roslyn does not have to be invoked additionally for each scripted library.
  • They can be cached as they naturally work with the existing caching infra.
  • No need for Require as the script is already present.
  • Packs can depend on each other.

One key constraint this introduces is that binary script packs cannot depend on Script Libraries. This might be able to be addressed in the future but this is TBD.

Scoping / Containment

One key challenge with this approach is it could make naming collisions likely. Also there is an issue of scoping. In the .NET proper world, namespaces would be a way to achieve this, but in Roslyn this is not a possibility as you can't have namespaces in script as they execute within an outer class.

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To remove collisions and introduce some form of containment, we will use an outer class. For each script library, all of it's contents will automatically be wrapped in an outer class. The name for the class will be the name of the Main csx file minus 'Main'.

Using the Calculator example the code will be embedded in a Calculator class.

How To Add A Script To Indd Script Library Machine

ScriptLibraryWrapper is a base class for the wrapper. It's main purpose is to surface up a static Require<T> method which the script can use to get access to script packs.

Lifting of directives and usings

A challenge posed by this model of containment is around usings and directives. Currently in scriptcs we expect all usings and directives to be at the top of the file when we parse it (using the processor). As we are wrapping the entire contents of the library, this can pose a problem as the scripts will likely have usings and directives which will be contained within which will cause the file processor to fail.

The way this will be addressed is to walk through all package scripts and pass them through the pre-processor. As each script is processed it will be appended into a script in memory, while all the usings are saved. After all files are processed then the usings will be appended at the top of the file.

Extensibility / additional languages

All ScriptLibrary functionality is implemented in the ScriptLibraryComposer and currently only supports C#. If one wants to extend the functionality, for example to allow FSharp module users to include Script Libraries authored as .fs files, then the module would need to register a custom composer. The composer exposes 2 methods, one which returns the composed ScriptLibrary filename and the other which creates wrapper classes and creates the ScriptLibrary file.

How To Add A Script To Indd Script Library Mac Os

This file is automatically loaded and its contents are appended to the end of the executing script which in this case would be written in F#. If the default append behavior is not acceptable for that language, then a custom ScriptExecutor should be provided and the InjectScriptLibraries virtual method should be overridden with the appropriate logic.